Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

contoh paragraf present perfect tense

Menagement plays a vital role in any business or organized activity.Management is composed of a team of manager who have charge of the organization at all levels.Their duties include making sure company objectives are met and seeing that the business operates efficiently.Regardless of the spesific job,most mangers perfrom four basic functions.These management functions are planning,organizing,directing,and controlling.

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Present Perfect Ten

Formula untuk Present Perfect Tense adalah:
Subject + (has/have) + verb3 + object + modifier
  1. Farmers in Jati Bali have grown rice crops since 1970. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali telah menanam padi sejak tahun 1970).
  2. Some students have conducted research on vegetative plant propagations for two months. (Beberapa siswa telah melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif selama 2 bulan).
  3. Transpiration has started to increase since three hours ago. (Transpirasi telah mulai meningkat sejak tiga jam yang lalu).
Note: HAS VERB3 digunakan jika subjectnya singular, yaitu jika subjectnya adalah he, she, it dan noun yang dapat digantikan dengan subject pronoun he, she atau it. Sebaliknya, HAVE VERB3 digunakan jika subjectnya plural, yaitu jika subjectnya adalah I, you, they, we, dan noun yang dapat digantikan dengan subject pronoun I, you, they, atau we.

Penggunaan Present Perfect Tense

Pada dasarnya, penggunaan Present Perfect Tense dapat dikelompokkan dalam 3 kategori, yaitu:
1. Untuk menyatakan bahwa kejadian/aktivitas sudah terjadi/dilakukan pada waktu yang tidak spesifik (unspecified/indefinite time) di masa lampau.
  1. John has traveled around the world.  (John telah bertamasya ke seluruh dunia).
  2. She has read the entire book. (Dia telah membaca buku itu secara keseluruhan).
  3. I have eaten. (Saya telah makan).
  4. Someone has stolen my book.  (Seseorang telah mencuri buku saya).
  5. They have gone.  (Mereka telah pergi).
Note: Pada contoh di atas, kita tidak tahu kapan John bertamasya ke seluruh dunia, kapan dia membaca buku, kapan saya makan, kapan seseorang mencuri buku saya, kapan mereka pergi. Yang menjadi penekanan adalah kejadian/aktivitas tersebut telah terjadi/dilakukan.
2. Untuk menyatakan kekerapan (berapa kali) kejadian/aktivitas terjadi/dilakukan pada waktu yang tidak spesifik (unspecified/indefinite time) di masa lampau.
  1. I have seen the Titanic three times. (Saya telah nonton Titanic tiga kali).
  2. She has fallen in love ten times. (Dia telah jatuh cinta 10 kali).
  3. They have failed the exam twice. (Mereka telah gagal ujian 2 kali).
  4. My car has broken down five times. (Mobil saya telah mogok 5 kali minggu ini).
  5. Our dean has punished that very rebellious student three times. (Dekan kita telah menghukum mahasiswa yang sangat membangkang itu 3 kali).
Note: Pada contoh di atas, kita tidak tahu kapan saya nonton Titanic, kapan dia jatuh cinta, kapan mereka gagal ujian, kapan mobil saya rusak, kapan dekan menghukum mahasiswa pembangkang itu. Yang menjadi penekanan adalah berapa kali kejadian/aktivitas tersebut telah terjadi/dilakukan dari dulu samapi NOW; apakah once (sekali), twice/two times (dua kali), trice/three times (tiga kali), ten times (sepuluh kali), dan seterusnya.
3. Untuk menyatakan bahwa kejadian/aktivitas terus terjadi/dilakukan mulai dari waktu tertentu di masa lampau sampai sekarang (now).
  1. I have lived in this house for nine years. (Saya telah tinggal di rumah ini selama  9 tahun). Artinya, sejak 9 tahun yang lalu sampai sekarang, saya telah tinggal di runah ini.
  2. We have studied English since a month ago. (Kita telah belajar bahasa Inggris sejak 1 bulan yang lalu). Artinya, sejak sebulan yang lalu hingga sekarang, kita telah belajar bahasa inggris.
  3. He has married her for nineteen years. (Dia telah mengawininya selama 19 tahun).
  4. Mr. Johnson has worked in the same place since 1980. (Pak  Johnson telah bekerja di tempat yang sama sejak tahun 1980).
  5. She has waited for her boyfriend for an hour. (Dia telah menunggu pacarnya selama satu jam).
Note: Semua kejadian/aktivitas pada kelima contoh di atas masih berlangsung sampai saat diungkapkan (now). Kejadian/aktivitas seperti ini juga dapat dinyatakan dengan present perfect continuous tense dengan tanpa merubah makna kalimat.

Penggunaan For dan Since

Khusus untuk penggunaan present perfect tense yang ketiga ini, waktu kejadian/aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh subject dinyatakan dengan menggunakan for dan since. For (berarti selama) diikuti oleh durasi atau lamanya waktu kejadian. Misalnya: for thirty years (selama 30 tahun), for ten minutes (selama 10 menit), for a week (selama seminggu), etc. Sedangkan, since (berarti sejak) diikuti oleh kapan kejadian/aktivitas itu dimulai. Misalnya: since 1985 (sejak tahun 1985), since January (sejak bulan Januari), since 2 o’clock (sejak jam 2), etc.
Perhatikan kelima contoh di atas. Jika for diganti dengan since, atau sebaliknya, maka kalimat di atas menjadi:
  1. I have lived in this house since 2000. (Saya telah tinggal di rumah ini sejak  tahun 2000).
  2. We have studied English for a month. (Kita telah belajar bahasa Inggris selama 1 bulan).
  3. He has married her since 1990. (Dia telah mengawininya sejak tahun 1990).
  4. Mr. Johnson has worked in the same place for twenty-nine years. (Pak  Johnson telah bekerja di tempat yang sama selama 29 tahun).
  5. She has waited for her boyfriend since an hour ago. (Dia telah menunggu pacarnya sejak sejam yang lalu).

Negative Form

Bentuk negatif kalimat dalam Present Perfect Tense dibuat dengan menambahkan not setelah auxilary has/have, seperti yang terlihat dalam formula berikut,
Subject + (has/have) + not + verb3 + object + modifier
Note: (has not) dapat disingkat menjadi hasn’t, sedangkan (have not) dapat disingkat menjadi haven’t.
  1. John has not traveled around the world.  (John belum bertamasya ke seluruh dunia).
  2. She has not read the entire book. (Dia belum membaca buku itu secara keseluruhan).
  3. I have not eaten. (Saya belum makan).
  4. Someone has not stolen my book. (Seseorang belum mencuri buku saya).
  5. They have not gone.  (Mereka belum pergi).
  6. I have not seen the Titanic three times. (Saya belum nonton Titanic tiga kali).
  7. She has not fallen in love ten times. (Dia belum jatuh cinta 10 kali).
  8. They have not passed the exam two times. (Mereka belum lulus ujian 2 kali).
  9. My car has not broken down five times. (Mobil saya belum mogok 5 kali).
  10. Our dean has not punished that very rebellious student three times. (Dekan kita belum menghukum mahasiswa yang sangat membangkang itu 3 kali).
  11. I have not lived in this house for nine years. (Saya belum tinggal di rumah ini selama 9 tahun).
  12. We have not studied English for a month. (Kita belum belajar bahasa Inggris selama sebulan).
  13. He has not married her for nineteen years. (Dia belum mengawininya selama 19tahun).
  14. Mr. Johnson has not worked in the same place for twenty-nine years. (Mr Johnson belum bekerja di tempat yang sama selama 29 tahun).
  15. She has not waited for her boyfriend for an hour. (Dia belum menunggu pacarnya selama satu jam).

Yes/No Questions

Yes/No Questions untuk Present Perfect Tense adalah sebagai berikut:
(Has/have) + subject + verb3+ object + modifier?
  1. Has John traveled around the world?  (Apakah John telah bertamasya ke seluruh dunia?).
  2. Has she read the entire book? (Apakah dia telah membaca buku itu secara keseluruhan?).
  3. Have you eaten? (Apakah kamu telah makan?).
  4. Has someone stolen your book?  (Apakah seseorang telah mencuri buku kamu?).
  5. Have they gone?  (Apakah mereka telah pergi?).
  6. Have you seen the Titanic three times? (Apakah kamu telah nonton film Titanic tiga kali?).
  7. Has she fallen in love ten times? (Apakah dia telah jatuh cinta 10 kali?).
  8. Have they failed the exam twice? (Apakah mereka telah gagal ujian 2 kali?).
  9. Has your car broken down five times? (Apakah mobil kamu telah mogok 5 kali?).
  10. Has our dean punished that very rebellious student three times? (Apakah dekan kita telah menghukum mahasiswa yang sangat membangkang itu 3 kali?).
  11. Have you lived in this house for nine years? (Apakah kamu telah tinggal di rumah ini selama  9 tahun?).
  12. Have we studied English for a month? (Apakah kita telah belajar bahasa Inggris selama 1 bulan?).
  13. Has he married her for nineteen years? (Apakah dia telah mengawininya selama 19 tahun?).
  14. Has Mr. Johnson worked in the same place since 1980? (Apakah pak  Johnson telah bekerja di tempat yang sama sejak tahun 1980?).
  15. Has she waited for her boyfriend for an hour? (Apakah dia telah menunggu pacarnya selama satu jam?).

Penggunaan already dan yet

a. Adverb already digunakan untuk mempertegas pernyatakan bahwa sesuatu telah atau belum terjadi pada waktu yang tidak spesifik (unspecified time) di masa lampau. Already (telah/sudah) digunakan pada kalimat positif, sedangkan yet (belum) digunakan pada kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya.
Already biasanya diletakkan di antara auxiliary (has/have) dan verb3, tetapi bisa juga diletakkan diakhir kalimat tanpa merubah arti kalimat, seperti terlihat dalam formula berikut:.
Subject + (has/have) + already + verb3 + object + modifier
Subject + (has/have) + Verb3 + object + modifier + already
  1. John has already traveled around the world.  Atau, John has traveled around the world already.
  2. She has already read the entire book. Atau, She has read the entire book already.
  3. I have already eaten. Atau, I have eaten already.
  4. Someone has already stolen my book. Atau, Someone has stolen my book already.
  5. They have already gone. Atau, They have gone already.
  6. I have already seen the Titanic three times. Atau, I have seen the Titanic three times already.
  7. She has already fallen in love ten times. Atau, She has fallen in love ten times already.
  8. They have already failed the exam twice. Atau, They have failed the exam twice already.
  9. My car has already broken down five times. Atau, My car has broken down five times already.
  10. Our dean has already punished that very rebellious student three times. Atau, Our dean has punished that very rebellious student three times already.
b. Adverb yet digunakan pada negative form (kalimat negative) dan interogative form (kalimat tanya), yang biasanya ditempatkan di akhir kalimat, seperti pada formula berikut ini:
Subject + (has/have) +  not + verb3 + object + modifier + yet
Selain itu, yet juga bisa juga ditempatkan di tengah kalimat (yaitu setelah  has/have) dengan formula sebagai berikut:
Subject + (has/have) + yet + (to + Verb1) + object + modifier
Note: verb3 berubah menjadi infinitive (to + verb1). Dan, walaupun tidak ada not, kalimat ini bermakna negatif (maknanya sama dengan jika yet ditempatkan di akhir kalimat).
  1. John has not traveled around the world yet. Atau, John has yet to travel around the world.
  2. She has not read the entire book yet. Atau, She has yet to read the entire book.
  3. I have not eaten yet. Atau, I have yet to eat.
  4. Someone has not stolen my book yet. Atau, Someone has yet to steal my book
  5. They haven’t gone yet. Atau, They have yet to go.
  6. I have not seen the Titanic three times yet. Atau, I have yet to see the Titanic three times.
  7. She hasn’t fallen in love ten times yet. Atau, She has yet to fall in love ten times.
  8. They haven’t passed the exam twice yet. Atau, They have yet to pass the exam twice.
  9. My car hasn’t broken down five times yet. Atau, My car has yet to break down five times.
  10. Our dean hasn’t punished that very rebellious student three times yet. Atau, Our dean has yet to punish that very rebellious student three times.
Dalam kalimat tanya, yet umumnya ditempatkan diakhir kalimat.
  1. Has John traveled around the world yet?
  2. Has she read the entire book yet?
  3. Have you eaten yet?
  4. Has someone found your book yet?
  5. Have they gone yet?  etc.
Dari penjelasan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa present perfect tense pada prinsipnya digunakan untuk:
  1. Untuk menekankan SUDAH/ BELUM. Kamu sudah makan belum? (Have you eaten yet?)
  2. Untuk menekankan SUDAH BERAPA KALI. Sudah berapa kali kamu makan hari ini? (How many times have you eaten today?).
  3. Untuk menekankan DURASI kejadian/aktivitas. Sudah berapa lama kamu belum makan? (For how long haven’t you eaten yet?
Sekarang, apa bedanya dengan simple past tense? Untuk jawabannya, silakan baca: Simple past tense vs Present perfect tense.

Direct and indirect

Direct & Indirect Object

Direct Object adalah penderita langsung dari suatu tindakan di dalam satu kalimat. contohnya “He hit the ball.” Namun, kita harus berhati-hati untuk membedakan antara DIRECT OBJECT dan OBJECT COMPLEMENT:
  • They named their daughter Natasha.
Dalam kalimat ini, “daughter” adalah DIRECT OBJECT dan “Natasha” adalah OBJECT COMPLEMENT, yang menggambarkan atau memberikan penjelasan dari direct object-nya.
Indirect object mengindentifikasikan untuk siapa tindakan tersebut dibuat. Direct object dan Indirect object adalah orang, tempat, atau sesuatu yang berbeda. Direct object dalam kalimat berikut ini adalah yang dicetak tebal. Indirect Objek yang bercetak miring.
  • The instructor gave his students A’s.
  • Grandfather left Rosalita and Raoul all his money.
  • Jo-Bob sold me her boat.
Bersamaan dengan itu, kata me (atau sama dengan kata lainnya, yaitu him, us, them) biasanya berperan menjadi Direct Object.
  • Bless me/her/us!
  • Call me/him/them if you have questions.
Untuk menandai Objek langsung dan tidak langsung sangatlah mudah. Perhatikan ilustrasi berikut ini:
  • Andi membawakan saya sebuah buku.
Pada kalimat diatas, predikat kalimat tersebut adalah membawakan. “Membawakan apa?” = Buku. Maka, “buku” adalah OBJEK LANGSUNG (DIRECT OBJECT) dan “saya” adalah OBJEK TIDAK LANGSUNG (INDIRECT OBJECT)
Indirect Object dapat digunakan dalam beberapa cara.
  • Give some money to John.
  • Give some money to him.
  • Give it to John.
  • Give it to him.
  • Give John some money.
  • Give him some money.
  • Give John it. (Tidak biasa dipakai)
  • Give him it. (Tidak biasa dipakai)

Perhatikan cara menempatkan 2 objek berikut ini:
  • Lend me some money. (Lend some money to me)
  • Bring me a cup of coffee. (Bring a cup of coffee to me)
  • Get me a cup of coffee. (Get a cup of coffee for me)
  • Make me a cup of coffee. (Make a cup of coffee for me)
  • Ask him a question. (Ask a question of him)
  • Tell her a story. (Tell a story to her)

Pola-pola untuk menempatkan Direct Object dan Indirect Object:
Pola A
  • I gave him an apple.
  • I bought her a car.
  • I asked him a question.

Pola B
  • I gave an apple to him.
  • I explained it to him.

Pola C
  • I bought a car for her.
  • I open the door for her.

Kata kerja untuk pola A dan B adalah:
write, read, show, teach, tell, sell, send, lend, bring, take, pass, give

Kata kerja untuk pola A dan C adalah:
buy, get, make, find, do, bake, cash, save

Kata Kerja untuk Pola A saja.
ask, cost, charge, wish

Kata kerja untuk Pola B saja.
explain, announce, describe, introduce, mention, prove, repeat, say, speak, report

(Ketika dipakai dengan for, berarti artinya sama dengan “untuk kepentingan”)
Kata kerja untuk Pola C saja
open, answer, close, change, pronounce, prescribe

Kata kerja untuk semua pola

kata Kerja yang tidak dapat dipakai oleh semua pola. (Kata Kerja Intransitif – Kata kerja yang tidak membutuhkan objek)
eat, sleep, talk, walk, dll.

Senin, 21 Maret 2011

voice active dan passive


Kalimat Aktif dan Kalimat Pasif
Kata kerja transitif mempunyai dua voice (ragam gramatikal), aktif dan pasif.
1) Bentuk aktif adalah orang, binatang, atau benda yang ditunjukkan oleh subjek dikatakan
melakukan sesuatu pada yang lain.
Contoh: Karim killed a tiger. Karim membunuh seekor harimau
2) Bentuk pasif adalah orang, binatang atau benda dikatakan menderita sesuatu dari sesuatu yang lain.
Contoh: A tiger was killed by Karim. Seekor harimau dibunuh oleh Karim
Bentuk pasif :
To Be + Past Participle
Aturan-aturan :
a) Kata kerja transitif tidak digunakan dalam bentuk pasif, kecuali kalau kata kerja itu menggunakan cognate object dalam bentuk aktif.
Aktif : She sang a fine song. Ia menyanyikan sebuah nyanyian yang merdu
Pasif : A fine song was sung by her. Sebuah nyanyian yang merdu dinyanyikan olehnya
b) Bilamana kalimat diubah dari bentuk aktif ke pasif, objek untuk kata kerja aktif menjadi subjek untuk kalimat kerja pasif.
objek untuk kata kerja aktif :
Aktif: Linda can make tarts. Linda dapat membuat kue tart
Subjek untuk kata kerja pasif :
Pasif: Tarts can be made by Linda
c) Retained object (objek yang tetap dipakai/dipertahankan dalam pasif)
Dua buah objek dalam kalimat aktif, ketika diubah menjadi kalimat pasif, masih tetap ada sebuah objek dipertahankan, objek ini dinamakan retained object. Objek ini mungkin objek tak langsung dari kata kerja aktif atau objek langsung dari kata kerja aktif.
Objek tak langsung dari kata kerja aktif
Kata Kerja aktif Kata kerja pasif
We gave him a prize A prize was given him by us
Objek langsung dari kata kerja aktif
Kata Kerja aktif Kata kerja pasif
We gave him a prize He was given a prize by us

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

paragraf ative dan passive

In the beginning live in group,with each member doing a job that served the whole A group could morerasily itself againts wild anial than one person alone.Because the population was so small,group could wander the land and rarely meet each other.When the group became bigger and bigger they split into smaller unit called families.The first village settlements date back to 4750 BC.People lived in houses taht had several rooms By 3000 BC.they were beggining to separete into small and then larger families.

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011


Berikut contoh-contoh kalimat aktif yang dirubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bentuk tenses :
1) Simple present
John bites Mary
John doesn’t bite Mary
Does John bite Mary?
What does John do?
Who bites Mary?
Who does John bite?
Mary is bitten by John
Mary isn’t bitten by John
Is Mary bitten by John?
What is done by John?
Who is Mary bitten by?
Who is bitten by John?
2) Simple continuous
John is biting Mary
John isn’t biting Mary
Is John biting Mary?
What is John doing?
Who is biting Mary?
Who is John biting?
Mary is being bitten by John
Mary isn’t being bitten by John
Is Mary being bitten by John?
What is being done by John?
Who is Mary being bitten by?
Who is being bitten by John?
3) Present perfect
John has bitten Mary
John hasn’t bitten Mary
Has John bitten Mary?
What has John done?
Who has bitten Mary?
Who has John bitten?
Mary has been bitten by John
Mary hasn’t been bitten by John
Has Mary been bitten by John?
What has been done by John?
Who has Mary been bitten by?
Who has been bitten by John?
4) Present perfect continuous
John has been biting Mary
John hasn’t been biting Mary
Has John been biting Mary?
What has John been doing?
Who has been biting Mary?
Who has John been biting?
Mary has been being bitten by John
Mary hasn’t been being bitten by John
Has Mary been being bitten by John?
What has been being done by John?
Who has Mary been being bitten by?
Who has been being bitten by John?
5) Simple past
John bit Mary
John didn’t bite Mary
Did John bite Mary?
What did John do?
Who bit Mary?
Who did John bite?
Mary was bitten by John
Mary wasn’t bitten by John
Was Mary bitten by John?
What was done by John?
Who was Mary bitten by?
Who was bitten by John?
6) Past continuous
John was biting Mary
John wasn’t biting Mary
Was John biting Mary?
What was John doing?
Who was biting Mary?
Who was John biting?
Mary was being bitten by John
Mary wasn’t being bitten by John
Was Mary being bitten by John?
What was being done by John?
Who was Mary being bitten by?
Who was being bitten by John?
7) Past perfect
John had bitten Mary
John hadn’t bitten Mary
Had John bitten Mary?
What had John done?
Who had bitten Mary?
Who had John bitten?
Mary had been bitten by John
Mary hadn’t been bitten by John
Had Mary been bitten by John?
What had been done by John?
Who had Mary been bitten by?
Who had been bitten by John?
8) Past perfect continuous
John had been biting Mary
John hadn’t been biting Mary
Had John been biting Mary?
What had John been doing?
Who had been biting Mary?
Who had John been biting?
Mary had been being bitten by John
Mary hadn’t been being bitten by John
Had Mary been being bitten by John?
What had been being done by John?
Who had Mary been being bitten by?
Who had been being bitten by John?
9) Future
John will bite Mary
John won’t bite Mary
Will John bite Mary?
What will John do?
Who will bite Mary?
Who will John bite?
Mary will be bitten by John
Mary won’t be bitten by John
Will Mary be bitten by John?
What will be done by John?
Who will Mary be bitten by?
Who will be bitten by John?
10) Future continuous
John will be biting Mary
John won’t be biting Mary
Will John be biting Mary?
What will John be doing?
Who will be biting Mary?
Who will John be biting?
Mary will be being bitten by John
Mary won’t be being bitten by John
Will Mary be being bitten by John?
What will be being done by John?
Who will Mary be being bitten by?
Who will be being bitten by John?
11) Future perfect
John will have bitten Mary
John won’t have bitten Mary
Will John have bitten Mary?
What will John have done?
Who will have bitten Mary?
Who will John have bitten?
Mary will have been bitten by John
Mary won’t have been bitten by John
Will Mary have been bitten by John?
What will have been done by John?
Who will Mary have been bitten by?
Who will have been bitten by John?
12) Future perfect continuous
John will have been biting Mary
John won’t have been biting Mary
Will John have been biting Mary?
What will John have been doing?
Who will have been biting Mary?
Who will John have been biting?
Mary will have been being bitten by John
Mary won’t have been being bitten by John
Will Mary have been being bitten by John?
What will have been being done by John?
Who will Mary have been being bitten by?
Who will have been being bitten by John?
Kata-kata kerja transitif kadang-kadang mempunyai arti pasif walaupun bentuk kalimatnya adalah aktif :
a) Dengan komplemen
Sugar tastes sweet (pasif: sugar is sweet when it is tasted). Gula manis rasanya (gula manis bila
b) Tanpa komplemen
The books is printing (pasif: the book is being printed). Buku itu sedang dicetak
The cows are milking (pasif: the cows are being milked). Sapi-sapi itu sedang diperah
Kesimpulan :

Simple Present
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Past Tense
Past Continuous
Simple Future
Be going to
Past perfect
Future perfect
Mary Mary
is helping
has helped
was helping
will help
is going to help
had helped
will have helped
is helped
is being helped
has been helped
was helped
was being helped
will be helped
is going to be helped
had been helped
will have been helped
by Mary
by Mary
by Mary
by Mary
by Mary
by Mary
by Mary
by Mary
by Mary

Perhatian: Semua bentuk pasif verbnya menggunakan bentuk ketiga (V3)


This document is published in the magazine "Crónica de los Tiempos" April 2002. (Translation in free language: Yuliana Suliyanti, Aug 2007) I live in the year 2070. I'm 50 years old, but looks like 85 years already. I experienced many health problems, especially kidney problems because I drink very little water. I think that I would not live much longer. Now, I was the oldest person in this society. Previously, beautiful hair is the pride of all women. Now, we have to shave his head to clean without using water. Earlier, my father washed his car with water directly from a hose. Now, children do not believe that once the water can be used for anything. I still remember the many warnings: "DO NOT WASTE WATER" But nobody paid attention.People assumed that water will never run out because unlimited. Now, rivers, lakes, dams and underground water have all been polluted or completely dried. Scenery around that looks just deserts are barren. Gastro-intestinal infections, skin and urinary tract disease is now the number one cause of death. Industry experience paralysis, the unemployment rate reached a very dramatic.Workers are paid only with a glass of drinking water per day. Many people are looting the water in quiet places. 80% of the food is synthetic.Previously, it was recommended to maintain health is to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Now, I could only drink half a glass of water every day.Since water becomes scarce, we are not wash clothes, used clothes immediately discarded, which then increase the number of garbage. We use septic tanks for waste water, as in the past, because there is no water. Man in the days we look pathetic: The body is very weak; parched by extreme dehydration; is covered by sores caused by ultraviolet sunlight and the atmosphere because the earth's ozone layer is depleted. Because dry skin, 20-year-old woman look like a 40-year-old.Scientists have made various investigations and studies, but did not find a way out. We can not produce water. The small number of trees and green plants make oxygen availability is reduced, which in turn lowers the intellectual quotient of future generations. Morphology of human experience changes ... ... Which produce children with a variety of deficiencies, mutations and malformations. The government even makes the tax for the air we breathe: 137 m3 per person per day. [31.102 gallons] Those who can not pay this tax will be excluded from "ventilated areas" that are equipped with gigantic mechanical lungs solar-powered that supply oxygen. The air supplied in the "ventilated areas" is not very good quality, but at least provide oxygen for breathing. Age of the average human life is 35 years old. Some countries still have a vegetated island has its own water source. This area is heavily guarded by armed troops. Water become a very rare and valuable, than gold or jewels. Here there are no more trees because it hardly ever rains. Even if it rains, it is acid rain. There are no more seasons.Climatic changes occurred in the 20th century due to greenhouse effect and pollution. We were warned that it is very important to maintain our environment, but no one cares. When my daughter asked how it was when I was young, I describe how beautiful the forest and natural surroundings that are still green. I tell her how beautiful the rain, the flowers, to bathe, fishing in the river, and can drink as much water as we want. I tell her about how healthy humans at that time. He asked: - Daddy! Why is there no water anymore? I feel like there is a clog my throat ... I can not help feeling guilty, because I come from the generation that destroys nature and the environment. by not taking seriously the warnings ... and many others too! I come from a generation who could have made a difference, but no one is doing. Now, our children who must accept the consequences. Frankly, with this situation of life on Earth will no longer be possible, because the destruction of our environment reached its end point. I wish I could go back in time and convince mankind to understand what will happen ... ... At the time it was still possible and the time for us to do something to save our planet Earth! Send this letter to all your friends and acquaintances, although only by a fraction, global awareness and concrete action of the importance of conserving water and the environment should start from every person. This issue is serious and some have become the real thing and going on around us. Do it for the children and later descendants. WATER AND EARTH FOR THE SAKE OF THE FUTURE!